Submission of applications in EDS

Step 1. Log in to EDS

Go to

Authorise with your ID and password or your internet bank access data for one of the Latvian banks.

Step 2. Choose "Dokumenti" (Documents)

Choose Dokumenti

Step 3. Choose "No veidlapas" (From template)

Choose No veidlapas

Step 4. Choose "Citi" (Other)

Scroll down to the bottom of the list of document categories.

Choose Citi

Step 5. Choose "Informācija VID klientu apkalpošanas centriem" (Information for SRS client service centers)

Scroll down to the bottom of the list of document categories.

Choose Information for SRS client service centers

Step 6. Choose "Choose file", upload your document and add document description.

Include document description in the right field.

Sample document descriptions:

  • Power of attorney to sign documents in EDS: Pilnvara dokumentu parakstīšanai EDS un citām darbībam.
  • Application for registration as VAT payer: Lūdzu, pieņemt iesniegumu reģistrācijai Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta pievienotās vērtības nodokļa maksātāju reģistrā.
Choose Information for SRS client service centers